A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver |
God has "set the members, every one of them, in the body as it hath pleased Him" (1 Cor 12:18). He has done this in an orderly fashion. As a wise Master builder He has fitly framed each part, though vastly different one from the other, together. They are compacted together. They work together. They are members "one of another" (Eph 4:25). This is how God has built His church, and the benefit of such a union is best experienced and displayed when "the whole church be come together into one place" (1 Cor 14:23).
While "oneness" speaks of having the same mind, heart, and purpose, "togetherness" speaks of the participation and work of those who are one. It speaks of them working as one in a cohesive and complimentary manner. Oneness speaks of having all things in common, while togetherness speaks of our diversity being integral to our fitting together as one.
In Christ, God has brought together Jew and Gentile. He has fitly framed together the commonwealth of Israel with strangers. He has joined together His enemies with His children. He has united the uncircumcision with the circumcision. Christ broke down the middle wall of partition between them and brought peace. But not only that! He didn't just make the two into one; He is fitly framing them together and building them together "for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Eph 2:22). Their agreement isn't the primary purpose, His dwelling with men is!
Togetherness! The assembly of the saints is an environment of togetherness wherein God takes many various parts and fitly frames them together to accomplish a purpose. He takes men and women, parents and children, bond and free, and uses them to compliment one another that they all may grow into the fullness of Christ. Their individual differences is actually a source of strength to the whole. They fit together, function together, and work together. Without this "togetherness" they are just individual parts. But being fitly framed together upon the foundation of Christ and the apostles, and being in-dwelt by the Spirit of God they become the habitation of Deity. Now, THAT is an environment in which God can work.
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