A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver |
The Condition of the People
The prophet Malachi ministered to a people much like the religious people of our day. The people were unpleasing to the Lord yet could not understand why. Their view of themselves was far different than God's view of them. The waywardness is displayed by their questioning of God and their inability to accurately perceive their condition and their standing with God.
- The Lord declared "I have loved you" but they responded, "Wherein hast Thou loved us?" (1:2)
- The Lord addressed the priests as those that "despise My name" and they responded "Wherein have we despised Thy name?" (1:6)
- The Lord rebuked, "You offer polluted bread on My altar?" and they retorted, "Wherein have we polluted Thee?" (1:7)
- He rebuked them for their manners at His altar and they asked, "Wherefore?" in other words, "What have we done wrong?, why are You displeased?" (2:14)
- "Ye have wearied the Lord of hosts with your words. Yet ye say, 'Wherein have we wearied Him?'" (2:17)
- "You have robbed Me? Yet you say, 'How have we robbed Thee?'" (3:8)
- "Your words have been stout against Me, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, 'What have we spoken so much against Thee?'" (3:13)
God determined to put an end to their corrupt offerings. He requested of the people, "Oh, that one of you would shut the temple doors, so that you would not light useless fires on My altar! I am not pleased with you...and I will accept no offering from your hands" (Mal 1:10, NIV). He then issued harsh curses on the Levites who led the people astray. "I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart" (Mal 2:2). Let it be known that God is the focal point of all meaningful religion. It is incumbent upon all will come to Him to take it to heart that His name is honored and glorified.
The people were engaged in religious activity but had no concern for the name of God, the glory of God or ministry of God. It is not uncommon in our day to have many engaged in religious activities but neglect God Himself. A great multitude of "church-goers" lack any zeal for the name and glory of God. They perform religious duties which often amount to giving God the leftovers from their wallets, time and energy. It is a rare thing to see people actually sacrifice of themselves to serve the King of kings.
The religious climate of America is much like the religious climate of Malachi's day...and God has kept for Himself a remnant. Just as not all the people are lukewarm today, so not all the people were lukewarm then, and the Lord takes note of such people. It is written,
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And 'They shall be Mine,' saith the Lord of hosts, 'in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.'" (Malachi 3:16-17)"The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished" (2 Pet 2:9). Those who fear God, fear His name, seek His glory and engage themselves in true ministry from the heart shall be spared from the wrath to come. Unto them "shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings."
God Makes a Distinction. One of the purposes of the judgment and the coming of Christ is to make a distinction between the righteous and the wicked; between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. While many in our day are offended by the consideration that such a distinction even exists, it is, nevertheless, the truth. That day is a time which the followers of Jesus earnestly anticipate. It is a time when they shall be manifested as who they really are, the children of God (Rom 8:19).
Now, they that live by faith and walk by the Spirit are mostly unrecognized in the world. They are "hid with Christ in God" (Col 3:3). But it will not always be this way. There is coming a day when Christ shall be revealed from heaven and all those who have joined themselves to Him shall also be revealed. In fact, they shall be glorified together with Him (Rom 8:17).
The apostle spoke of such a separation being made at the coming of Christ and it being a display of God's righteousness. In other words, it is right to make such a distinction. This is not the task of men in the flesh but of God who is able to judge thoughts and intents of the heart. And in view of this judgment, every man will receive his reward for the deeds done in the body, whether good or bad. "Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you who are troubled rest with us" (2 Th 1:6-7). God has gone on record saying that He will take vengeance "on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." Such people will "be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power" (2 Th 1:8-9).
We are living in a corrupt religious environment, but in the end it will go well for those who fear the Lord. Encourage one another with these words.
God is for sure a God of mercy and grace (Heb. 4:16), but I think that we are hearing too much, “Whoever believe in the Son has eternal life...” and not enough “...but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (Jn. 3:36). You are right, a distinction is clearly made between the two groups, but the modern day “church” has blurred those lines to make it seem as though our “multitude of sacrifices,” our “meaningless offerings,” and our “evil assemblies” (Is. 1), are what will please God, rather than focusing on the “more important matters of the law” (Matt. 23:23). Maybe if our focus was on bringing forth the truth (2 Cor. 6:7), rather than increasing our church attendance; Maybe if our focus was on standing firm (Luke 21:19) and living by faith (Heb. 10:38), rather than teaching “culturally relevant” messages; Maybe if our focus was on keeping his word (Rev. 3:8) and doing the will of God (Heb. 10:36), rather than on trying to fit the gospel conveniently into our corrupt lifestyles; Maybe then we would be able to associate more closely with “those who believe and are saved” (Heb. 10:39), and who will be taken up into “the home of righteousness” (2 Pet. 3:13).
ReplyDeleteI think that modern day “church” members are content to set aside their Sunday mornings, clean the outside of their cup and dish (Matt. 23:26), come hear a message that appeals “to the lustful desires of sinful human nature” (2 Pet. 2:18), and go home unchanged. And modern day “church” leaders cater to that lukewarmness.
But if, as you said, “God is the focal point of all meaningful religion,” then we would do well to heed the prophet Isaiah’s words, “Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” (Is. 2:22)
Powerful words brother. God knows them that are His and His exhortation to all those who name the name of the Lord is to depart from iniquity (2 Tim 2:19). I have one correction for your comment. In the first paragraph you use the word "our" and "we" and as far as I am concerned you have not shown yourself to be one that is lukewarm. Your zeal for the Lord is very encouraging to me and others. We are instructed to depart from those who hold to a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (2 Tim 3:1-5). These would be those who "go through the motions" of religion but their hearts are far from the Lord. They are those you have described above. You are not one of those and I am not compelled to depart from you but to enjoy sweet fellowship with you, dear brother. Keep believing - you will not be ashamed.