Friday, November 2, 2012

Jesus Has Been Given the Tongue of the Learned

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver
"The Lord God hath given Me the tongue of the learned that I may know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary" (Isa 50:4).

Weariness is a natural consequence of living in a world that is suffering the bondage of corruption. Without Divine provision and sustenance "even the youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall utterly fall" (Isa 40:30). This is a grave danger for them that would endure to the end. For, it is a requirement of all men who desire to live eternally that they NOT "fall" and NOT grow weary. "For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of the Father, you may receive the promise" (Heb 10:36, NKJV). In order to "run with endurance, the race that is set before us" (Heb 12:1) we must have provision from on high. We must have one that is able to sustain us, establish us, and strengthen us. Therefore, let us look unto Jesus, who knows how "to sustain the weary one with a word" (NASB).

The Nature of Christ. It is Jesus and Jesus alone who knows what is in a man (Jn 2:25). With this ability to disern the thoughts and intents of the heart, the Word of life is able to recognize the weary sojourner and speak comfortably to him. He knows how to succor them that are tempted (Heb 2:18).

Jesus is compassionate. It is His nature. He will not break a battered reed and will not quench a smoking flax (Isa 42:3). Jesus is the "man" who is "a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the temptest." He is "as rivers of water in a dry place, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land" (Isa 32:2).

He delivers men from the toils associated with this life and He does so as one who has conquered. "In the world ye shall have tribulation," says He, "but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33). Jesus is the Savior of all men and in an expression of His strength and wisdom, He sustains the weary ones that come to Him for rest.

A Word In Season. The kingdom of God operates in an economy of faith. Men overcome the world by faith and therefore they "live by every word of God" (Lk 4:4). Thus, the sustenance provided to strengthen the weary soul is "a word in season." Simon Peter knew this and when asked if he would depart from the Lord said, "To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68). The words of Christ have great power, even power to give life - to sustain the weary soul. "The words that I speak unto you," Jesus said, "are spirit, and they are life" (Jn 6:63).

Those who are weary and heavy laden are bid to come to Jesus for rest. It is there, in communion with the Lord, that He preaches "good tidings unto the meek" and "binds up the broken hearted" and proclaims "liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound" (Isa 61:1). This is speaking a word "in season" to the weary.

They are words spoken "at the appropriate and necessary time." They are words that are "fitly spoken" (Prov 25:11). This is what the psalmist would call giving those that "wait upon Thee...their meat in due season" (Ps 104:27; 145:15). Partakers of this precious ministry can say of a truth, "a word spoken in due season, how good it is!" (Prov 15:23). Jesus is THE Faithful Servant that gives the household of God their meat in due season (Mt 24:45) for He has been given the tongue of the learned to do so.

Go to Him. Just as God placed Joseph in Egypt to provide corn for the people during the time of famine, so He has placed Jesus at His right hand to provide "corn" for the people. We, too, live in a famine but "not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord" (Amos 8:11). But take heed, Jesus has been given the tongue of the learned and is able to speak a timely word to those that come to Him that He might "save much people alive" (Gen 50:20).

When you find yourself weary from your warfare against the forces of darkness, go to Jesus. Is anyone hungry? Is anyone thirsty? Is anyone weary? Go to Jesus!

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