“For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord has chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth” (Deut 14:2). Those chosen by God are removed from among the common people and are separated unto God. They have been called to a work that has not been given to any other. They are peculiar as compared to others and they are a people specifically devoted unto God. They have been selected for a determined purpose of God.
Israel was chosen by God as the people through whom He would send Christ. Even Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar were chosen a special instruments to do God’s works and be vessels through which He would manifest His own purpose and accomplish it. But Jesus is the primary Elect One and is altogether Holy. He is separate from sinners (which is the rest of humanity). His work would not and could not be given to another for none other had power to accomplished it.
Election is in Order to a Work. The Levites were chosen “… out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the Lord” (Deut 18:5). A work needed to be done and they were chosen to do it. From among them there would be ministers in the sanctuary to offer up sacrifices, specific families selected to set up and break down the tabernacle, and those chosen to carry the holy things throughout the wilderness. All who were chosen were then required to be faithful stewards of their election in order for the work to be accomplished.
Similarly, Solomon was chosen to build the temple of God in Jerusalem and also exhorted to make sure it was accomplished. His father said to him, “Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it” (1 Chr 28:10). Finishing the work is what it means to make your calling and election sure. If you have been chosen to a task and a ministry, your completion of it is your surety to your election. He calls in righteousness and makes no mistakes. So consider this brethren, the Lord has “chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth” (2 Th 2:13). Do the things that accompany salvation and “ye shall never fall” (2 Pet 1:10).
Now behold, God’s Elect has a ministry and He shall not fail. He will faithfully carry out His ministry for He always does the things that please the Father. In a sense, the eternal purpose of God depends on Jesus’ ability to make His calling and election sure. He has finished His work in the earth and He will finish His work from the right hand of God. He is Faithful and True. “I have laid help upon One that is mighty; I have exalted One chosen out of the people. I have found David My Servant; with My holy oil have I anointed Him; with Whom My hand shall be established; Mine arm also shall strengthen Him…” (Ps 89:19ff). Jesus has been called to the work of salvation. He is the Savior. God is delighted in His choice.
Election to Leadership. “…and have chosen David to be over My people Israel” (2 Chr 6:6). “I have made a covenant with My Chosen, I have sworn unto David My Servant, ‘Thy seed will I establish forever, and build up Thy throne to all generations” (Ps 89:3-4). As depicted in the kings of old and primarily David, the man after God’s own heart, Jesus has been chosen to be over the kingdom of God. He is leading, warring, providing, and building. His kingdom is advancing, peace is increasing, glory is abounding, and strongholds are being overthrown. We will never be without direction as long as we follow the Lamb and give heed to His voice. The bounds of our habitation and details of every day life are determined by God, experienced by us, and overseen by the Chief Steward. While we may not know those things in advance we do know that the Lord will be with us. For we have been called into fellowship with Him.
The Habitation of God is Chosen by God. God doesn’t just reside anywhere. In times past He had chosen a land to place His name and sanctuary for a house. “But I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name might be there” (2 Chr 6:6). Now He resides in His Son. He is our refuge, strength, and high tower. All the fulness of the Godhead dwells in Him in bodily form. With that being the case, those who are in Jesus are in the covenant of God and in fellowship of the Godhead - "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Men, have then become a spiritual house, a habitation of God through the Spirit.
Jesus embodied this while on the earth and now that He has been glorified, He has sent the Spirit that He might be with us forever. Never again do men need to be as sheep without a shepherd for the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls is with us and He will not leave us nor forsake us. He shall leads us in paths of righteousness, feed us in green pastures and takes us to still waters. God has chosen Him to be this for us.
Chosen as the One Foundation of God’s Building. Jesus is unique. He is the only one upon Whom all the work of God can rest. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 3:11). God has laid “in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded” ( 1 Pet 4:6).
Men have been brought into fellowship with Deity and the work of salvation because they have been place upon a good foundation. Furthermore, they have been influenced and empowered by that foundation. Jesus is the Living Stone that has given life to the rest of the stones. We have come to Him, “as unto a Living Stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4-5). Jesus makes the participation of man stable and right. The only reason we have part in the ministry of reconciliation is because the Foundation upon which we build and stand is a Solid Rock that will not allow us to fall.
God chose a Man to save man. He had to be like unto His brethren but better than them. He had to be able to touch them but with His touch, heal them. He needed to walk among them while remaining undefiled and incorruptible. He needed to be a living stone that gave life to the otherwise dead stones. And He is. Jesus is God's Elect and therefore, salvation is sure to all them that have Him.